Did Researchers Find Cannabis Compound CBD May Prevent, Treat COVID-19?

In January 2022, at least two studies from different research institutions showed that cannabidiol (CBD) and two other related chemical compounds found in hemp may hold promise in the prevention and/or treatment of COVID-19.


About this rating-Context:  Two studies published in January 2022 found an association between the ingestion of certain non-psychoactive cannabinoids and negative COVID-19 tests, in one case indicating that the hemp compounds CBDA and CBGA may prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection in human cells. In the other study, CBD was shown to inhibit the replication of the virus in infected cells. However, these studies were done in human cells and in mice — not humans. Furthermore, each study tested pure, specially formulated doses of these compounds, not commercially available products with CBD additives. Researchers say that further study is required to determine how, or if, CBD, CBDA, and CBGA can prevent or treat COVID-19 infection in human beings.

It’s true that one study found that two cannabinoids, CBDA and CDGA, may prevent some coronavirus variants from entering human cells, while a second concluded that CBD may prevent the virus from replicating and further worsening infection. Did Researchers Find Cannabis Compound CBD May Prevent, Treat COVID-19? | Snopes.com