Your Health Matters

Join us on this journey. We welcome you to view our line of products as well as those we have carefully selected from other companies that meet our standards of excellence.


USDA Certified Organic

Botanicoil Garden USDA Certified Organic CBD tinctures are formulated with the highest-quality ingredients. The main flavoring agent in every CBD tincture is organic essential oils. We also use organic carrier oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and MCT oil, that improve absorption and promote a smooth flavor.



Our Superior Broad Spectrum hemp gummies provide you with all the benefits of the “entourage effect,” combining CBN with CBD and other compounds of the hemp plant according to precise, consistent standards. When you take advantage of broad spectrum CBD products, those that combine the many useful benefits of a variety of plant-based compounds, you’re able to experience a more well-balanced approach to daily wellness.

Softgel Capsule

Best Quality

Our premium nano CBD oil softgels come in three formulas specially crafted for everyday health, muscle and joint health, and sleep support. All three softgel formulas contain premium broad spectrum CBD oil that has gone through the additional process of nano technology to enhance absorption, making these some of the most effective CBD products available.

Skin Care

Love the skin you're in

Now with 120mg more full-spectrum hemp oil per ounce, our Minted Lavender Lotion made with plant-based ingredients, like shea butter, aloe, and chamomile is the perfect way to treat yourself to softer and more radiant skin. This moisturizer delivers all-natural, renewing energies to give your skin a more balanced glow and leave it feeling naturally soft.

Why us?

Excellence matters

Not all hemp is created equal, which means not all CBD is the same. As a premium CBD company, we believe that if you want to provide the best products available, excellence must be a priority at every stage. With this as a guidepost, we can partner with the right experts and organizations to achieve a high-quality standard.


Benefits of Cannabis

Botanicoil Garden does not make claims of, or guarantee that, any benefit will result from the use of CBD products.  However, since 2900 B.C. Cannabis has been used as a natural alternative in the treatment of many maladies. 

Benefit 1: Pain

According to some studies CBD may affect endocannabinoid receptor activity, and may help reduce chronic pain by reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters (

Benefit 2: Mental Health

A study evaluating the possible effectiveness of 150–300 mg of CBD per day for 12 weeks on anxiety and depression symptoms in people with bipolar disorder is expected to be completed in April 2022. (Cannabidiol: A Potential New Alternative for the Treatment of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychotic Disorders (

Benefit 3: Heart Health

Overall, findings from many studies are encouraging, but experts believe that more studies of the potential benefits of CBD treatment on heart health are needed.

Benefit 4: Substance Abuse

CBD may be helpful for relieving anxiety and depression in people who have a dependence on certain drugs, including heroin (,

Benefit 5: Antipsychotic

Studies suggest that CBD may help people with mental health conditions including schizophrenia, by reducing symptoms of psychosis (

Benefit 6: Sleep

Possible improvement in sleep. Some studies suggest that CBD might help improve sleep in people with certain sleep disorders, though more research is needed (

Blog post

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Marijuana use has been for years and still is, a red flag on a security clearance review. However, the sentiment seems to be changing, as more states move to legalize the plant, Marijuana Moment writes.

Two separate studies analyzed whether non-psychoactive compounds found in hemp could prevent infection and replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in human cells. Madison Dapcevich Published 23 February 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed vulputate massa. Fusce ante magna, iaculis ut purus ut, facilisis ultrices nibh. …

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed vulputate massa. Fusce ante magna, iaculis ut purus ut, facilisis ultrices nibh. …