Shipping Policy

Product shipment may vary according to availability and is subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure for which Botanicoil Garden will not be responsible.
We use multiple carriers to provide adequate options to suit our customer’s needs, such as USPS (Priority Mail and Flat Rate), UPS, FedEx, etc. These options are available for all items purchased via our website.
In some cases, delivery to PO Boxes may not be available. Shipping rates are calculated during checkout, and multiple shipping options and rates are offered when available. At this time, we only ship to addresses in the United States and its territories.
We take orders 24 hours a day on our website. Orders are shipped business days (Monday through Friday). Every attempt will be made to ship the next day on orders placed before 1:00 PM EST. We do not ship on holidays recognized by the US Postal Service. You will be sent an order confirmation upon checkout, and a shipping notification with tracking number once your order ships. For large Private Label, Wholesale, and Bulk orders we offers USPS, DHL, UPS, and LTL Freight.
Warm Weather: Botanicoil Garden is not responsible for melting or other damage caused by heat exposure during shipping. Most products are fine and will not melt in transit. However, some types of product such as Gummies can melt in the warm weather. We can’t guarantee our heat-sensitive products will arrive in perfect shape – however we will do our best to insure they do.
Here is how you can help: Be present for delivery and have someone available to accept the package so it doesn’t sit outside in the heat. If the box feels warm, open it immediately to expose the product to the cooler air. Also, give the product a chance to firm up again before handling further.
Please keep in mind, we do not accept returns or provide refunds for a melted product due to warm weather. If you are concerned about the possibilities of receiving a heat-sensitive product, and it being melted, we encourage you to order a different product. If you have questions about your shipment, or need tracking information, please email [email protected].